Knockout Idea

Ozone stopped and looked at the sign.

“This isn’t where the job is.” Vince said.

“I know.” Ozone fell in with his boss and they continued down the street. “You ever thought about taking boxing?”


“I’ve heard it’s a good workout.”

“So is running from the cops, and we do plenty of that.”

“It might be a useful skill,” Ozone suggested.

“In our line of work? Not as useful as being good with a gun.”

“I was just thinking…”

Vince sighed. “That you want to pay good money to get beat up?”

“When you put it like that…”


This story was written for Friday Fictioneers. Photo prompt by J Hardy Carroll. 
Note: The author has, in fact, taken boxing classes. It's lots of fun and the best ab workout ever. 


Dale said...

Guess he'll never find out.

Iain Kelly said...

I can see the logic in what Vince says, but I think he would benefit from giving it a go. Nice one.

Old Egg said...

My father taught me as a lad. I hated it being a bit of a whimp! Words and fast legs served me well though.

Sascha Darlington said...

Time to change career?

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields said...

Interesting characters.



PS Welcome to Friday Fictioneers

Linda said...

Funny crooks. Good dialogue, good conclusion.

Penny Gadd said...

These two characters deserve more than 100 words (please?). Nice comic writing!

Alice Audrey said...

LOL! That's about right. :)

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