Grand Reopening

Vince walked into the lobby of the newly reopened building and looked around. Impressive, but too big and bright. How was he supposed to steal anything from this place?

Beside him, Ozone gawked at the art hanging from the ceiling. “This is so pre,” he said in hushed tones. “Don’t you miss when everyplace was like this – clean and full of electric lights?”

“Don’t be stupid. Only old people ever lived like that.”

Ozone acknowledged this was true. “But I’ve always imagined it looked like this.”

Vince shrugged. “Dream on your own time, man. We have a job to do.”

This story was written for Friday Fictioneers. Photo by Dale Rogerson.


Dale said...

Brilliant take on the pic... and very à propos...

Alice Audrey said...

Excellent addition to your post- economic - apocalypse world said...

Wonderfully written.

Linda said...

How interesting! Novel take, well written.

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